Pay particular attention to the symbols that represent the "silent" letters of the Hebrew alefbet and the shva. I will do my best to be consistent with the symbol used for the sake of being able to go backwards in transliteration to the original Hebrew word. The alef is represented with an open-single-quote (‘), the `ayin with a grave (`), and the shva with a close-single-quote (’). This may be hard to keep consistent because of the font. When typing with single quotes, for instance 'this phrase,' one can see that the open and close single quotes are generalized for interchangeability and are thus indistinguishable. I should be able to keep the `ayin separated from the alef, but there could be confusion between the alef and the shva. If worse comes to worse, I may decide in the future to go to a double-quote (") for the shva. I'll think on it....
Transliteration Scheme for Hebrew:
The Hebrew alefbet:
Letter Letter name Transliteration Transliteration at beginning of word
a alef ‘ (nothing and next letter is capitalized)
b B vet, bet V, b B
g gimmel g G
d dalet d D
h hei h H
w vav v V
z zayin z Z
j chet ch (as in “loch”) Ch
f tet T TT
y yud (or yod) y Y
k i K I khaf, kaf kh, k Kh, K
l lamed l L
m < meim m M
n / nun n N
s samech c C
u ayin ` ` (and next letter is capitalized)
p [ P Š fei, pei f, p P
x J tsaddai ts Ts
q qoph q Q
r reish r R
v c shin, sin sh, s Sh, S
t T tav, (thav) t, (th) T, (Th)
Vowel pointing (using gimmel for example):
Letter with pointing Transliteration Pronunciation
g* qamets aa gaw
g^ patach a gah
g] chireq i ghee
yg]] chireq with yud iy ghee
g} tsere ee gay
yg} tsere with yud eey gay
g\ segol e geh
{g cholem o go
og cholem with vav ow go
g* qamets chatuf aa gaw
g% qibbuts u goo
Wg shureq uw goo
g= shva ’ or nothing g’ or g-
Transliteration Scheme for Greek:
The Greek alphabet:
Letter Letter name Transliteration Pronunciation
A a alpha A a “ah” as in “father”
B b beta B b “b” as in “boy”
G g gamma G g “g” as in “girl” (never as “g” in “gem”)
D d delta D d “d” as in “dog”
E e epsilon E e “eh” as in “bed”
Z z zeta Z z “z” as in “zebra”
H h eta Ee ee “ay” as in “day”
Q q theta Th th “th” as in “thin” (never as “th” in “this”)
I i iota I i “ee” as in “bee”
K k kappa K k “k” as in “kite”
L l lambda L l “l” as in “light”
M m mu M m “m” as in “me”
N n nu N n “n” as in “night”
X x xi X x “x” as in “box” (never as “x” in “xylophone”)
O o omicron O o “o” as in “hot”
P p pi P p “p” as in “pig”
R r rho R r “hr” as in “rhino”
S s " sigma (stigma) S s s “s” as in “sun”
T t tau T t “t” as in “table”
U u upsilon U u “oo” as in “moon” (never as “uh” in “umbrella”)
F f phi F f “f” as in “fish”
C c chi Ch ch “ch” as in “loch” (never as “ch” in “chat”)
Y y psi Ps ps “ps” as in “tops”
W w omega Oo oo “o” as in “oboe”
Rough breathing H h “h” as in “hurry”
Smooth breathing (nothing) (ignored)
In the Messiah's love,
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