Okay. Now, let's analyze the English against the Greek for a proper translation:
Matt. 24 Matt.&Mark Mark 13 Mark&Luke Luke 21 Matt.&Luke all three
And Yeshua` went out, departing from the temple, and His students came to show Him the buildings of the temple. And as some were speaking about the temple that it was adorned [with] goodly stones and consecrated-gifts, and as he (was) departing out from the temple, one out of His students said to Him, “Teacher, see what stones and what buildings!”
And Yeshua`answering, said to him, “Do you see these huge buildings?”
But He responding, also said to them, “Do y’all not see all these things? I confirm to you the days in which these things which ye are beholding will come, no, there shall surely not be left here a stone upon a stone that shall not - surely not – be torn down!”
But He sat down upon the Har haZeitiym (the Mountain of the Olives). And as He was sitting upon the Har haZeitiym opposite the temple, the students, Kefa (Peter), Ya`acov (James), Yochanan (John) and Andreas (Andrew), approached Him privately saying, “But, Teacher, tell us then - when shall these things be? And what [shall be] the sign of thy revealing? What shall be the sign when all these things are about to take place and the entire completion of the age?”
But Yeshua` answering, began to say and saying to them [all], “Look out so that no one misleads you [and] ye be led astray! For many will come upon my authority when saying, ‘I am the Messiah, and the time is drawn near,’ and they will mislead many. Therefore, don’t go with them, but when ye shall attend, ye shall hear of wars and reports of wars; discern clearly; don’t be frightened nor be-terrified [in the] commotion. It is necessary, for all these things must happen first, but the conclusion is not immediately, not yet.”
Then He said to them, “For nation shall awaken upon nation and kingdom upon kingdom, and there-shall-be famines and plagues, and there shall be huge earthquakes and troubles down various locations. Also fearful sights and great signs shall be from [the] skies, but all these-things [are the] beginning of labor pains.
“But, you look out for yourselves! However before all these things, they will lay their hands upon you, and they will persecute [you], delivering [you] up. Then shall you be surrendered into pressure: For you shall be surrendered into sanhedrims, bringing [you into] prisons and into synagogues. Ye will be beaten, and ye will be brought before governors and kings and they shall kill you on account of my authority. But, it shall turn out to you [to be] a testimony to them, and the good message must be proclaimed into all the Gentile nations first. But when they may lead you away, delivering you up, do not rehearse nor premeditate what ye should say, but that whatever may be given to you in that hour, this speak. For ye are not they who speak but the Ruach haQodesh (the Holy Spirit/Wind). Therefore, calm your heart not to premeditate to make a defense. For I will give you a mouth and a wisdom to which all those opposing you shall not be able to reply nor to resist. However, ye will be delivered up also by parents and siblings and relatives and friends, and they will put [some] from among you to death. But even a brother will deliver up a brother into death and a father a child, and children will rise up against parents and deliver them to death. And ye shall be hated by all the Gentile nations on account of my authority, and [yet] not a hair out of your head may ever perish. By your patient endurance, [you shall] gain your breathers/lives. And then, many shall be led to offend and one another shall be revealed and will hate one another. And many lying prophets will arise and will mislead many. Also, because the [ones] against the Torah will have been multiplied, the love of many will grow cold. However, the [one who] stays under it into the conclusion, he himself shall be rescued. And the good news about the kingdom shall be heralded then in all of the habitable world into a witness to all the Gentile nations and then shall come the conclusion.
But when ye therefore shall see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation has drawn near - The Abomination of the Desolation – the [one which] was spoken about by Dani'el the prophet - standing in [the] holy place where it must not be (let the reader understand), then let those in Y'hudah (Judah) flee into the mountains. However, [let] the [one] upon the roof-top not come down into the house nor go inside to take anything out of his house. And [don’t] let the [one] in the field back into the [city]; he is not to return to take his clothes, and let those in [the] middle of it depart out and don’t let those in the countrysides enter into it. For these are the days of vengeance; all things which are written may be fulfilled. But <ooaahee!> to the [one] who is pregnant and to those [who] breast-feed in those days! But pray so that your flight may not be in [the] rainy season (“winter”) nor on Shabbat (the Sabbath); for then those days shall be the huge pressure - no - nor has been its like since [the] beginning of Creation of [the] habitable world which God created until the present - no - nor ever shall be, and if [the] Master had not shortened those days, there would not have been any flesh rescued. But on account of the chosen [ones] whom He chose, He has shortened the days [and] those days shall be shortened. For huge distress will be upon the Land and violent passion in this people. And they shall fall by the edge (mouth) of [the] sword and shall be led away captive into all the Gentile nations, and Jerusalem shall be trampled under by Gentile nations until the times of the Gentile nations be fulfilled. And then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here's the Messiah!’ or ‘Here [He is]!’ or ‘Look, there!’ Don't (you) believe (it)! For lying Messiahs and lying prophets will arise and will produce great signs and miracles to the deception so as to mislead if possible even the chosen (ones). But ye, watch out! Look, I have forewarned all (things) to you! Therefore if they say to you, ‘Look! [He’s] in the wilderness!’ don’t go out there! ‘Look! [He’s] in the chambers!’ Don’t you believe [it]! For as the lightning flashes out from [the] east and shines as far as [the] west, so too the Revealing of the Son of Man shall be. For wherever the carcase may be, there the vultures will be gathered together.
“However, in those days, immediately after the pressure of those days, there will be signs in [the] sun, moon and stars: the sun shall be darkened and the moon shall not shine its light and the stars shall fall out of the sky (meteors) and the stars shall be fallen out of the sky (meteorites) and distress of Gentile nations in confusion, [the] roaring sea and waves upon the earth, and men’s hearts failing them from fear, [from] looking after those (things) which are coming on the habitable world; for even the powers which (are) in the skies shall be shaken.
“And then the sign of the Son of Man shall appear in the sky. And then all the families of the Land shall mourn and they shall see the Son of Man coming in a cloud - coming in [and] upon the clouds of the sky - with great power and great brightness. And then He shall send His messengers with a loud trumpeting sound, and they shall gather together His chosen (ones) out of the four winds from one extremity of [the] earth to an extremity of [the] sky to the other extremity. But these things beginning to come to pass, look up and raise up your heads, for your redemption draws near.”
And He spoke a parable to them, “But, learn the parable from the fig tree: Look at the fig tree, even all the trees; When already its branch is beginning [to be] green, they shoot forth now and it puts forth the leaves, ye see for yourselves it is known that now summer is close. So when ye see all these things likewise come to pass ye know that the kingdom of God is close upon (the) threshhold. I confirm to you that this generation will not ever have passed until each one of these things be fulfilled [and] until the whole of these things be fulfilled. The sky and the earth shall pass away, but my words shall never pass away.
But no man knows concerning of that day and of that hour, not even those messengers of the sky in (the) sky neither the Son but only my Father. But like the days of Noach (Noah) [were], in the same way will be also the Revealing of the Son of Man:
For like they in those same days that [were] before the Flood were munching and guzzling, marrying and arranging marriages, until that day Noach (Noah) entered into the ark, and were not aware until the Flood came and swept absolutely all away, so the Revealing of the Son of Man shall also be the same way. Then two shall be in the field: the one shall be received near and the other shall be sent forth. Two shall be grinding at the mill house: one (feminine) shall be received near and one (feminine) shall be sent forth.
However, watch yourselves so at no time your hearts be weighed down with hangovers and intoxication and distractions of this life, and that the day stand upon you unexpectedly. For it shall come as a trap upon all those who dwell on [the] surface of the whole earth. Therefore, stay awake! Pray at every occasion that ye may be counted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of Man. Watch out, stay awake, and wish forward to God! For ye don’t know when the time will be!
As a man journeying abroad who left his household and gave to his slaves the authority and to each one his [own] assignment and commanded the front door guard to stay awake guarding, therefore then YE guard for ye don’t know when - what time – your master, the master of the household, will come, at dusk or midnight or cockcrowing or at dawn! Otherwise, he will come suddenly to find you sleeping! But that which I say to you, I say to all: Stay awake!
But know this: that if the householder had known in what watch the burglar would come, he would have watched better and would better not have allowed [him] to break into his house. Through that [analogy], ye be ready, too; the Son of the Man shall come at such a time that ye won’t imagine.
Now, this isn't perfect. I know that. However, it is a good attempt at translating into modern American English what the three Greek versions are trying to convey that Yeshua` said.
Some, I know, will object to some of the rendering of this message by Yeshua`, but the truth is that He said what ALL THREE "evangelists" wrote. I trust God to have kept their versions of Yeshua`s message as pure as possible and that what Yeshua` actually said was a UNION of all three.
One will also notice that there is a certain "Jewishness" to the translation. Yeshua` was not talking to "Jewish Christians"; He was talking to believing JEWS who recognized that He was the Messiah of God for them! That's a HUGE difference, and one that must be maintained!
Next time, we'll talk about this discourse in more detail.
In the Messiah's love,