Shalom, mishpachah (family).
I've been doing some ... personal research ... into several different position-altering subjects:
First, I've been exploring the concept of the "Tribulation" being different than the "70th Seven" of Dani'el 9:24-27.
Second, I've been investigating the potential of a "Great Tribulation" that many take from Matthew 24:21.
Third, I've been researching and studying `Ezra and Nechemyahu (Nehemiah), as well as 1 and 2 Esdras, regarding when the second Temple's construction and the completion of the walls and city of Jerusalem were completed. I believe that it wasn't finished as early as the date that is commonly accepted. This is largely due to Ezra 4.
Fourth, I've been debating the amillennial position. I find it totally unsatisfactory as an explanation for prophecy, and I've been dealing with the verses that another debater has produced in support of the amillennial position.
Sorry I've been gone so long.
I'll try to post more often and bring my readers (if any) up to speed on what I've found so far.
That's all for now, though. Tomorrow is another day!
In the Messiah's love,
You got at least one reader.